31 Jan


If you've been reading the National tabloids you may have read about the situation in Northern Ireland where nearly all of its MOT Testing Stations have been closed. Yes 48 of the 55 Testing Stations are now closed due to the same fault being found on nearly all the scissor lifts installed at their sites.
The fault was initially discovered on two scissor lifts where cracking in the scissor lifts frame was occurring, that find led to an in-depth inspection of all Northern Ireland’s MOT centers. 
The initial inspections were carried out by MAHA Ireland, the company who supplied the lifts and were responsible for the maintenance and regular examination of the lifts.
MAHA Ireland, reported their inspection results to the DVA in Northern Ireland on 15 January, which revealed signs of cracking in 48 vehicle lifts, or 87 per cent of all the lifts in operation. 

MAHA then designed a “remedial repair” for the affected lifts and started remedial works, however, an insurance inspector was not satisfied with the attempt to fix them, as a result, testing for cars and light vehicles at all of Northern Ireland’s 15 publicly owned MOT centers was suspended with immediate effect on Monday 27 January.

MAHA Ireland have always declined to answer any questions but have supplied a statement reading: “MAHA Ireland is liaising with relevant stakeholders at present to investigate the condition of all scissor lifts, their model DUO+1, employed at MOT centers. 

Well that's the story but what we wanted was the make and model so we could warn all garage owners and MOT Bay operators of the potential danger to life!!!!  If one of these lifts collapsed due to cracking steel the safety system wouldn't work, the outcome to anyone underneath the lift at the time would be catastrophic!!! 

Well we have the Make and Model, its a MAHA DUO + 1 SCISSOR LIFT, with long platform, similar to the model below.

It's been said, that most of these lifts were supplied and fitted during 2011 - 2012, so check the manufacturers plate.


If you have one of these exact lifts or one of a similar style and you are in any way concerned about any vehicle lift you are currently using we would recommend you contact your own garage equipment supplier or original manufacturer for a safety check to be carried out immediately, they will know the make and model you have and whether or not it needs a full inspection. 

If you know your lift hasn't been serviced or maintained for a long while, do something about it now.

Don't wait for your Insurance companies inspection to render them safe to use, it could be to late, you may only see your Insurance Company engineer once a year and with this particular issue that could be to long!!!

YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Andre Cross


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